
Choose which fields (or columns) from your database table to display on your generated pages.

Choose Search Fields
Scroll through the list of field names and click to check or uncheck the boxes next to the field names to select or deselect them. You can change the order in which the fields will appear on the search form by clicking on the field you wish to move and using the up and down arrow buttons below the listbox to move it higher or lower in the list.

Microsoft Access Databases Only: Any field that is of type "memo" in your database will automatically get generated on all forms as a larger textarea box. Any field that is of type "boolean" in your database will automatically get generated as a checkbox. If you desire textarea boxes or checkboxes on your forms, it is recommended you go into your database and make the fields of type memo or boolean accordingly.

MySQL Databases Only:
You will need to specify which fields are of type memo and checkbox (boolean) later, on a screen that is specific to MySQL databases.

Choose Report Fields
Choose the fields in the same way as above for the Reports (aka Search Results Page).

This generated page looks like a report with one column across for each field and one row for each record (like a spreadsheet with rows and columns).

Choose Detail Fields
Choose the fields you want to appear on the Detail Page, as above. On this page you will typically inlcude most, if not all fields to display the entire record's contents. To save time, click the button labeled "ALL" on the right, to add all fields to the detail page. You can then uncheck to deselect any fields you wish to exclude from the detail page.

NOTE: If you have a unique key that is of the AutoNumber type, it will not appear on the Add or Edit pages. This is a precaution to avoid database errors. If a field is of type AutoNumber, the number is generated automatically by the database and should attempts should never be made to supply them from the Add or Edit forms.