Saving Projects

You can save your work for future changes.

Saving your projects will provide you with a quick way to load a previously saved project, make necessary changes, and regenerate those pages, without having to always select database information, tables, fields, colors, and so on, from scratch.

View Project on the Web (optional)

Here you can specify the base URL for your Web site: For example, or (if locally) http://cx123456-a/myprojectfolder

This will save you time by taking you directly to the opening Web page for your project.

Note: You do not enter the entire URL including the Web page (like projectname_menu.asp or store.asp) here. ASaP appends this information for you automatically.

Note that you will need to make a separate project file for each table in your database, even if the pages will be uploaded to the same folder and will be accessing the same database (although different tables within the same database).