Choose A
Scroll through the list of table names and choose one by clicking
it. Once you select a table, the names of the fields in the table
will appear in the other lists.
NOTE: You must enter a short name for your project.
The short name for your project can be the same as the table name, but can also indicate the purpose of the project more specifically. For example, if the name of the table is “contacts” you might have more than one project that uses this table. Simply labeling the project “contacts” won't distinguish it from other projects using this table. A project specific to running off an internal report might be given a short name of contacts_report, for example.
Note: (You will be asked where to save the project before advancing to the next screen.)
Unique Key
Your database table should already have a field designated as the
unique key. (In most cases Data Asap will detect this field
automatically for you).
Specify which field in your table is the unique key by choosing it in the list. Then, indicate if it is numeric and / or of the Auto Numeric type, by checking the appropriate boxes. A unique key is a field in a table that contains information that is unique to each record and thus uniquely identifies each record. If the unique key is Numeric (and can not contain letters or special characters) check Numeric.
It is highly recommended that your unique key be numeric and of the Auto Numeric type. Advanced users are more likely to have success while choosing to have a unique key that is other than numeric and of the Auto Number type.
About Auto Number: Usually if the unique key is numeric, it is also of the Auto Numeric type. In this case, the database itself automatically generates a new and unique number or "key" for each new record added to the table. This removes the burden of ensuring each record has at least one field of information that uniquely identifies it.
Choose Sort Field
This is optional. Choose which field to sort the records by when
they show up on the search results aka reports page. The order will
be ascending (from A to Z) by default, unless you check the
Descending box.
Click “Next”.